My cook book

Breaded grilled chicken with white sauce

This is one of the easiest recipes I have learnt that give gourmet food vibes but very simple to make! In general looking at such dishes we always wonder how much time one must have spent to get the results but I tell you! it took me less than 30 mins. So here's how I… Continue reading Breaded grilled chicken with white sauce

business · psychology

Rejection is merely a redirection, a course correction to your destiny.

Rejections are hard - they are inevitably one the most difficult experiences a human has to go through, personally or professionally and if not handled productively it can have devastating effects. How a person deals with rejections ultimately determines his course towards success, but handling rejections positively doesn't seem as easy as it sounds. especially… Continue reading Rejection is merely a redirection, a course correction to your destiny.

business · psychology

Emotional Validation and why it’s important?

Emotional validation and invalidation, two different but essential aspects of understanding human nature. So what does emotional validation is? It’s about understanding and accepting another person’s emotional experience. Invalidation is when the person’s emotions are rejected, ignored, or undermined. When someone undermines our emotions, it’s a painful experience, especially for people who have been survivors… Continue reading Emotional Validation and why it’s important?

business · psychology

Letting go of negativity and changing your life for good

A serious fact for all of us, at some point we all have acted toxic on way or another be it in a relationship or professional life. Damaging our ways with people on way or another. Being toxic is something no one is immune to, but the key is to identify, improve and balance. Whether… Continue reading Letting go of negativity and changing your life for good


A bit of this and that for Remote interviews

A reality check! – Being in front of a camera lens staring right back at us makes most of us nervous. It’s a daunting situation and most of us end up making mistakes that we don’t intend to. Skype, Zoom, Bottim and Microsoft team has been the popular applications for online interview. If you have… Continue reading A bit of this and that for Remote interviews

business · Uncategorized

Tittle-tattle at workplace

Gossip culture is the fastest way to destroy any corporate culture. There is no nice way to say this. Allowing your employees to gossip about each other is like letting them swim in river full of alligators. Good leaders don’t participate in gossip and they don’t tolerate when others gossip. Gossip not only destroys trust,… Continue reading Tittle-tattle at workplace